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Reignweaver is excited to be back at Game On Expo for the con’s 10th anniversary! Reign is a cosplayer local to the Phoenix area, and has been cosplaying for 9 years. Specializing in sewing, detail work, and leathersmithing, they are excited to bring their expertise and love of the craft to Game On, and gauge the work of the competitors as a Craftsmanship judge. Reign has worked in the professional theater scene for over 10 years as a professional set designer, costumer and stage technician on local and touring Broadway productions alike. Reign has had the pleasure to judge and guest at Game On Expo in 2022, UwU Con (‘22 and ‘23), and Phoenix Fan Fusion in 2023. If you have a chance, feel free to visit their booth and try stamping leather or roll for initiative!

Foxes Bring Flowers