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Paul E. Niemeyer

Legendary Artist.


Paul E. Niemeyer is probably best known for being the artist of the first Mortal Kombat the game cabinet, control panel, and header, including illustrating the Mortal Kombat logo, but Paul’s artwork appears on dozens of iconic and famous games. The most notable are TRON, Tapper, Satan’s Hollow, Spy Hunter, Wacko, Super PacMan, PacMan Plus, Professor PacMan, Demolition Man Pinball, just recently he did the sculpts for the American Pinball game “Legends of Valhalla”, and a myriad of other games and prototypes in the years of doing electronic game art, including being an employee of Bally-Midway from 1982-1984. From the mid 1980’s, Paul worked in the big ad agencies on movie licenses like Jurassic Park 2, Men in Black, Star Trek 6, Little Mermaid, Hercules, Star Wars Phantom Menace, Pirates of the Caribbean, and many more.
From 2000-2005 he was part owner of Eagle Games Board Game company, which is now Eagle-Gryphon Games. Paul designed and illustrated dozens of games and their components, as well as being the overall creative director.
After selling Eagle Games, Paul designed and illustrated many games in Europe and the US, including the very popular “Through the Ages” and the hugely successful PopCap games, Peggle and Bejewled 2.
Paul owned and ran ABYSS Haunted House, a top 10 haunted attraction in the Chicagoland area, from 2006-2014 and has recently done packaging artwork on 7 Nintendo Switch Games (Super Blood Hockey, Pigeon Dev Games Bundle, Demons Tier +, A Robot Named FIGHT, Cathedral, and Rack ‘n Ruin, Super Dungeon Maker) for Premium Edition Games.
Paul has an endless array of behind the scenes stories and experiences from the early gaming days and 30 years in the Chicago ad agencies to share.

Jame Rolfe
Howard Scott Warshaw