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Ed Annunziata

Game Developer and Creator for games including the Ecco the Dolphin series, and more!


Ed Annunziata is the creator of Ecco the Dolphin. During his time with Sega of America, he developed some of the most popular titles on their consoles including the Sega Genesis, Sega 32X, and Sega Saturn. During the Dreamcast years he made a prototype for a new Chakan game, however ,the game was never greenlit for full development.

After leaving Sega, he worked on a variety of other platforms including Playstation, N-Gage, mobile, and iOS. Currently, he runs his own company called Playchemy where he develops new video games. If given the chance, he plans on both continuing the Ecco series and making a new Chakan game. Annunziata has also commented on Twitter about the possibility of rebooting the Ecco series.

Currently, he is developing a spiritual successor to the Ecco series called The Little Blue. The Little Blue will be a brand new underwater adventure game that will have a familiar story, themes, and gameplay to the Ecco games.

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