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Chris Tang

Game Developer, & esports Personality


Chris holds legendary competition titles such as “Rock the Rock” Sega World Champion, NWC Los Angeles City Champion, and Hawaii State Nintendo Champion among many others. He was inducted into the International Video Game Hall of Fame in 2017, and was the first person to receive the Classic Tetris Lifetime Achievement Award in 2022. Passionate about gaming history and culture, Chris can be seen in many films and documentaries, is a featured writer for Old School Gamer Magazine, and is an alumni speaker at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco.

Competitive gaming success led Chris into game development with credits that include beloved favorites “Gauntlet IV”, “Primal Rage”, “Marvel Vs. Capcom”, “Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike”, “Tetris”, and the infamously cancelled “Primal Rage II” which Engadget proclaimed “2017’s hottest new fighting game”! “STRIKE BLAZINGER”, a high-speed spiritual successor to arcade-style rail shooters is his current project in the works which you can check out at the show! Be sure to experience “BOOM! Tetris for YOU!” and other memes – as Chris will be commentating the CTWC Phoenix Regional Event live at Game On Expo 2025!

Jame Rolfe
Rob McCallum