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Sam Witwer

Darth Maul, Starkiller, Davis Bloom/Doomsday, and more!


Emmy-nominated actor Sam Witwer is probably best known as the voice of the famous and fearsome Star Wars villain ‘Darth Maul’. Witwer has done extensive work for the storied Lucasfilm Disney franchise, including Star Wars: Clone Wars, for which he earned an Emmy nomination in 2013 as “Outstanding Performer in an Animated Program,” and Star Wars: Rebels. His memorable performance made him the obvious choice to reprise the role in the 2018 blockbuster franchise prequel, Solo: A Star Wars Story. Working opposite such talents as Jon Favreau and Clancy Brown, Witwer also received recognition with an Annie Award nomination for Best Voice Acting in an Animated Television/ Broadcast Production in 2012.

Star Wars fans and gamers will also recognize Witwer as Darth Vader’s vengeful apprentice, ‘StarKiller,’ in the LucasArts video game sensation Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Parts I and II). Through high-tech digital referencing and motion capture of Blur Studios, Witwer has become the voice and face of the series’ powerful protagonist. Witwer began his career on Ron Moore’s hit SyFy series, Battlestar Galactica, in the recurring role of ‘Lt. Crashdown’. Soon after, he booked ‘Davis Bloom/ Doomsday’, the character fated to kill Superman, on CW’s Smallville.


$60 per 8×10 autograph

$80 per item outside of 8×10 photographs (i.e. Funko-Pop, poster, memorabilia)

Selfie at the table: $40

Don Bluth
Tony Hawk